Sunday, October 09, 2005

The questions on everyone's mind

Stephanie Grace at the Times-Picayune elegantly summarized the questions running through my head and the accompanying emotions in her "We're up, and we're down" article:

    The questions are at once global and intensely personal:
    Will businesses, even the ones that want to stay in New Orleans, be able to function if there's no place for their workers to live? Can we count on the cavalry, as Nagin put it, to stick around? Or has donor fatigue already set in up in Washington? Has President Bush finally stopped dropping in for those staged, numbingly routine photo ops?
    Which favorite corner haunts will reopen, and which old friends will be around to share a toast when they do?
    How can we resume our lives, as Nagin has urged us to do, if we can't put our kids in school?
    How is a city full of night owls supposed to function under a curfew, anyway?
    And is it really, truly OK to drink the water?

Read it here.

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